Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thinking out loud...

I've had a lot of time to think lately.  Recovering from major surgery (had 2 discs fixed in my neck) has left me quietly pondering all the mysteries of my life.  I seem to have narrowed down the 'topics' of my life---I'm a lot simpler than I first thought!  I've come up with four basic categories that seem to ring true with me on a daily basis.  These are the things that invade my thoughts, grip my heart, and move me to action.  I wish that action involved more intentional exercise. Ugh!

Pounds: It seems that my whole adult life has revolved around losing and gaining pounds---and I view this constant war in both physical and spiritual terms. God uses every aspect of my life to teach me and make me more like Him.  I have had so many victories with weight loss!  But for every victory there is a life changing battle---and inbetween battles I seem to lose ground by gaining those pounds back. Sometimes it seems that I sabotage my own efforts to lose or keep the weight off.  Other times it seems that I am the unwitting victim of hopeless hormones, uncounted calories---and scrumptious food that I just really enjoy eating!  I'd love to be able to talk through my weight loss journey with you via this blog.  Maybe something I have been through or continue to go through will be an encouragement to you.  So many of you have encouraged me along the way.

Planks:  In recent years I have been much more sensitive to the needs of others and my heart's deepest desire is to love others as Christ loved them.  I need to work to lift others up----believers and unbelievers---as Jesus did.   I am so aware that I need to deal with this plank that I have in my own eye before I worry over the tiny specks I can easily find in others.   This world is full of people who need to see the love of Christ in action.  I have been recently convicted that I need to focus on loving people where they are---instead of expecting something of them that is based on my opinions, views, or traditions.  Just love people.  I know it is a simple view, but I need to keep it simple, sweetie! 

Passions:  I do have many passions, so these thoughts may ramble!  Right now my passions revolve around marriage and family, adoption and foster care, the poor, the needy.  I think my planks and passions overlap a lot. I have to love what Jesus loves and I have to give my life in total surrender to Him for anything about my life to have any real meaning at all.  It has to all be about Him and what He has for me to do and to be.  But it first has to be about a life devoted to Him----devotion has to come before duty.  I need to spend more time sitting at his feet----kneeling humbly before Him, hearing His voice.  I want to be passionate about my relationship with the Lord. 

Prayer: I have been working for years to maintain that spirit of prayer----a 'pray without ceasing' lifestyle.  I have seen so many answers to prayer and I am still praying for so many people and 'things'---situations, issues, details.  I serve the all powerful God of the universe who made all things and owns all things.  He is trustworthy and faithful---I can rely on Him!

I'm not exactly sure how my attempt at blogging will go, but I'm ready to share my thoughts and open up my heart.  I want to challenge myself to be real---honest and transparent.  At a ladies' conference I attended years ago, Nancy Leigh DeMoss shared about how to basically maintain right relationships with God and others.  My 'walls' have to be down in order to best relate to those around me, and my 'roof' has to be off in order for me to properly relate to God. My spiritual house has to be open and airy and ready for guests, residents, and lots of renovation.  So come on in and sit for awhile!  I'm glad you're here!